
The Bellingham screening was an exercise in last minute divine intervention.  After the editors stayed up for 27 hours straight, we finally got the rough cut DVD out of the computer. We scanned through it on the laptop for a minute to make sure it had sound and picture, threw it into a box and Josh literally ran out the door with one copy of the rough cut and no minutes to spare before his flight. Bellingham is the only city in the US to pass a resolution against Tar Sands mining and it is currently fighting a very heated battle over coal trains. Its a college town and it’s not just green, it’s DEEP green.

By 6:30pm the DVD had been tested and checked and the gorgeous modern Pickford theater was abuzz with an eclectic group of moviegoers. Among the high brow movie posters was the bright FREEDOM poster. Looking at it on the wall made me realize how incredibly dedicated the team that is behind this film is – not that the movie is ‘breaking through’ the Hollywood blockbuster system, but more like we’re ‘breaking in’ and just setting up camp on their front lawn! So much for following conventional wisdom. The movie played to laughs and gasps and the audience was extremely vocal – talking at and to the screen at several instances of absurdity and irony. Our panel was a lively debate and discussion that lasted til the theater manager had to kick us out to show the next movie.

Some highlight questions and comments: It’s the corpritocracy that’s ruining our country; we need to conserve and consume less; I realized I don’t hate alcohol fuel anymore; I was one of the people who protested your last movie; my beef with your movie is that you don’t take on Big Ag; take out Sarah Palin; No, keep Sarah Palin in; Don’t make biofuels fun – we don’t want people to think it’s ok to consume at this rate; No, it’s important to show there are solutions, even if they are imperfect – if only to have hope.

I was totally moved and inspired by the people who came – thank you Bellingham – we look forward to our next visit to your little green enclave.


Meanwhile, back in Kansas (and I’m not kidding, it really is in Kansas)…. After a grueling week of temperatures over 100 degrees and a series of totally unpredictable electrical problems, Rebecca decided to leave the bus and crew to come to the Portland screening tonight. It’s been hot, frustrating, and hard work and at times it seems like the whole town of El Dorado, Kansas is working 24/7 to get the bus on the road. She starts, she runs, she has solar, she has an alcohol fuel engine and so many cool things, but doing an “organ transplant” and putting a brand new engine in a 1980’s vintage school bus is proving harder than expected (Agh! Computers – why did we ever put computers into cars?). She’ll be on the road soon and bless Rebecca and Boise and Tracy and Jacob and Darren and Matt and all the folks out there sweating and working so hard to get her back on the road.



Our Freedom Drive has begun and we have logged 0 miles as of week one. We “Freedom Drivers” established a temporary home in El Dorado Kansas while our Freedom Bus received the final mechanical adjustments needed to make the long trek across America over the next 4 months. Though not physically able to attend the first premiers, the message was delivered by the Film Makers themselves, Josh Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell. Thank you everyone who came out to the Pacific Northwest: Bellingham and Seattle, WA, Portland, OR and Vancouver and Victoria Island, BC, Canada.

Being stranded in this town proved to be quite fortuitous for us all. Just a few blocks from the garage is the Kansas Historical Society and… THE Kansas Oil Museum! DID YOU KNOW, the El Dorado Oil Field supplied 9% of the entire USA Oil supply during WWI? Amazing, right? We had no idea either. On display was the history of the equipment used over the past 100 years to extract oil from our Earth, the hardships and risks those who moved here endured, even a ‘wall of fame’ with the names and faces of everyone and anyone who built El Dorado during the Oil boom.

Another stroke of serendipity occurred traveling to Kansas’ largest city: Wichita. While filling the bus with E85 for the trek to the California Film Premieres, we went to the one station (of a half dozen in the city with ethanol pumps) where the owner was fixing the receipt machine on one of the pumps (we wish all owners of gas stations read this blog entry, btw). The owner was Phil Near, President of THREE G ENERGY and life long proponent of E85 (abbreviation for an ethanol fuel blend of up to 85% denatured ethanol fuel and gasoline), the fuel this tour will run on. The E85 was .20 cheaper than regular unleaded gasoline, the consistency of E85 is water-like with barely any fumes and reminded us of a fruity wine. Phil’s interview can be seen in the episodes here on the site and was the perfect person to meet before we leave Kansas.

Thank you southeastern Kansas for the hospitality, education and being the change by having E85 available. El Dorado was the perfect place to start the Freedom Drive. Away we go…

America is synonymous with FREEDOM. Abraham Lincoln was instrumental in freeing thousands of enslaved people and is known for authoring the emancipation proclamation and abolishing slavery. The freedom riders as they were known, declared independence for all who lived without the freedoms we all enjoy today.

WE are the Freedom Drivers… and this blog, website and upcoming 13-part web series is where I, Tracy Mork and my co-host Boise Thomas will live and bring you the adventures from THE FREEDOM DRIVE. We have joined forces with Sundance award-winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell in waking up America to the possibility of clean energy. We will be driving a 40 foot school bus to 45 cities premiering the film FREEDOM (insert hyper link). OUR MISSION: educate YOU/the American public on living a more sustainable lifestyle. There are several ways you can participate: LIKE us on FACEBOOK, Follow us on TWITTER and continue to check out this blog OR all the aforementioned AND become an affiliate and support the film and movement in your town/city/state. contact: kimberly@greenplanet3d.com or dakota@greenplanet3d.com for more information about how you can be involved.

No matter how you choose to make this difference, subscribe to the RSS feed and we will let you know when the first webisode is up on this site and we will be posting to this space on our travels and are looking forward to meeting you and your community at a theater near you!

Yours Independently,

Boise Thomas & Tracy Mork

The Freedom Drive

The Freedom Drive webisode Hosts and Bloggers

Boise Thomas and Tracy Mork will be hosting and blogging the Freedom Drive



Hey FREEDOM Fans! The trailer is up on Youtube and please makes sure to spread the word about the FREEDOM tour and movement.

FREEDOM offers an array of green solutions. From about advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol, to plug in hybrids, we learn about the sustainable technologies that could fulfill our transportation needs!

With insightful and inspirational interviews form former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former NATO Commander Wesley Clark, Singer/Songwriter Jason Mraz, international author Deepak Chopra and actors Michelle Rodriguez, Amy Smart and Ed Begley Jr., FREEDOM invites people to not just get mad, but get motivated.

Above all, FREEDOM calls for a revolution in how we live. Inevitably we must shift the types of houses and cities we live in, we must rethink the way we work and change the way we treat each other and the planet. Most importantly we must transform ourselves.

Please visit the site: http://www.thefreedomfilm.com for updates

Follow @the_freedom_bus  for updates from the road!!

Oil demand has out grown the supply at which OPEC can produce.  It’s simple economics that when supply outweighs the demand, shortages occur and prices increase.  A recent report from the Organization of The Petroleum Exporting Countries stated oil demand from OPEC is 29.9 million barrels per day when maximum production is 28.97 per day!

However, the reality is setting it and Saudi Arabia and other countries alike are setting sail for alternative options.  Plans for Saudi Arabia have an inspiring goal to generate as much solar energy as they do in crude exports.  This profound goal sets the deadline for total production of the worlds electricity needs for the year 2020.  This aspiration almost seems too amazing to be true or maybe it’s the fact that oil companies are watching their resources deplete.  Their main source of income will run out and the demand for energy will not run out.

Keep a look out for the benefits of the investments of around $150 million from General Electric Co. and Saudi Arabia’s Tamimi to produce energy producing equipment.

Alternative energy isn’t exclusively for the rich.  Stories of pricey solar panels, unattainable wind-turbines, and electric cars can steer away even the most driven environmentalists. However, there’s a change in the winds and it’s for the best.

Southwest Windpower has formed a  partnership with Green Trail Energy to create affordable alternative energy for all.  Southwest Windpower is the top producer of wind generators in the world.  The partnership has tentative plans to expand their resources, reach remote areas, and require little up-keeping.

The project is called MWS-7000, it incorporates wind and solar energy while producing zero emissions! The system has a utility grid inverter to connect to the local grid and has the ability to generate profit from the energy you produce! It boasts numerous benefits that can be read in detail as reported by Renewable Energy World.

Southwest Windpower Announces Distribution of Premier Remote Solar and Wind Powered Energy Generation Systems | Southwest Windpower.

Their wind generators have many incentives for buyers like tax breaks! Everyone likes discounts so maybe there will be a new change in the winds for your energy consumption habits.  Every little bit helps and companies, such as Southwest Windpower, are leading the way to a sustainable future for everyone.

Psst: Freedom tour is coming soon in August so get excited!

Let’s hope that SolarRail lights up a new path of transportation! A solar-powered rail tunnel that connects Paris to Amsterdam had a successful launch by  Infrabel
on Monday.  The cost of the project is about 23 million and has prospects of eliminating 47.3 million kilograms of CO2 in the next 20 years!

In 2013 Amtrack plans to add 70 new electric trains to their fleet.  The locomotives can travel up to 125 mph and run solely on electricity! Plans for the trains entail connecting Boston to DC and Philadelphia to Harrisburg! The energy-efficient trains emit zero nitrogen oxides that cause health problems.

It’s more than exciting to hear about alternative means of transportation fulfilling successful operations. Slowly, sustainable changes will lessen the ecological footprints that our industrial world creates.

Know of any solar/electric inventions that are changing the world?  Comment and fill us in on the good news!

Leaf is to Nissan, don’t laugh too hard… but definitely smile at the fact that electric cars are making their way into the market.  This little cutie shown below boasts some pretty resourceful features.  It meets American travelers average daily distance needs and it’s 100% electric!  No gas needed, no nasty CO2 emissions, and no breaking the bank to own it.

Check out their informative site: Nissan Leaf Electric Car: 100% electric. Zero gas. Zero tailpipe.!

Autoblog Photo

Another new-bee is the Electric Crossover (2013) by Tesla Motors.  They’re working on the Model S electric sedan with about $243 million in funds to help cross-over from #gas guzzlers to #electric-cars. The company promotes efficiency and environmental benefits of their cars, including some really classy sports cars for those who don’t want to sacrifice fun for fuel savings.

Photo By Telsa Motors

Tesla has an interesting method to create some buzz and show electric cars are catching. It’s their enthusiasts blog page, documenting over ten million miles travelled in Tesla electric vehicles.  Ten Million Electric Miles and Counting: By Jove, It Does Work in the Real World | Blog | Tesla Motors.

Get ready for solar airplanes | Grist.

Yeah yeah, we know that the news is full of environmental horror stories. It’s hard to find a glimpse of green buried deep beneath the oil addicted, Co2 emitting, corrupt popular tones of the environmental reporters and bloggers.

Fear not! Freedom is dedicated to promoting the positive side to sustainability and we’re not alone.  There’s quite a trend starting amongst people, companies, and countries that promotes finding alternatives to fuel through innovative and healthy ideas.

One idea that flew sky-high above alternative options is the successful flight of a solar-run plane from Switzerland to Belgium. Grists’ interesting report concerning a fuel/Co2 free airplane that can travel about 43 mph is more than inspiring to the green community!

Props to SOLAR IMPULSE for their successful flight and sustainable practices. Solar energy is a great option, the natural abundance of direct sunlight our earth receives provides tremendous energy saving options and we don’t need to drill 30,000 ft into our earth to get it!

Everyone loves alternatives.  Having the choice to accept or reject different options is an important aspect of American and democratic governments alike.  Your energy source shouldn’t be any different, you do have a choice in what fuels your life.  Dangerous and costly foreign oil is not the answer; however, filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell provide an alternative solution to a growing problem.

Freedom is creating a lot of buzz in the alternative-energy world due to the legitimacy of it’s info and the exciting content the documentary contains. Ethanol deserves more attention and credit than it’s getting.  Freedom puts a stop to negative myths about Ethanol and highlights the benefits of weaning ourselves off  foreign oil.

Remember this?


If you loved Fuel, the 2008 Sundance Film Festival winner, then Freedom will definitely fill your sustainable fix. Freedom brings the same energy and mentality as the highly regarded Fuel yet it provides a more specific focus on Ethanol. Green Planet Productions is getting ready for distribution and we’re planning our tour here at the office.  The documentary is just under an hour and provides the perfect content to educate various types of students, groups, or individuals.

If you’d like to sponsor, host, or screen the film at your school or organization make sure to contact our team!  We’re open to interest and look for to once again spreading the alternative-energy love.

Visit: http://www.greenplanet3d.com/contact_us/ and you may also reach me directly at Kimberly@greenplanet3d.com.

Thanks for the support!